Kwoon Guest Book Workout  Sensei Patrick Palmieri



Welcome to the "UNIVERSAL TOTALITY" website. We hope you will enjoy your visit and find the information and advice helpfull to make an educated decision on what you want to do.

We are not your "average" Martial Arts website. We have a different approach and philosophy to the arts.

Everyone is an individual and different, you have  ideas, you have a purpose. We all strive for different results. We want to help you reach those results, goals and dreams. Sometimes we feel we have to work harder than your average "Bruce Lee" or so people think. Bruce Lee was an exceptional athlete and martial artist. There will never be another. So how about we just try to be the best that we can be. Based on what we strive to do.

"Universal Totality"  teaches each person to discover what they are searching for in the martial arts. We provide a physical and mental approach to learning. To become fit and ready to follow your goals. Our philosophy let's you discover your approach, some people don't want to be a "punching bag" for an upcoming superstar, as well some folks like to get in there and mix it up under a controlled environment. No one wants to get injured or be forced to compete in areas they don't feel comfortable with or doing.

"Universal Totality" strive to teach good technique, and a "positive approach" to working out and mentally preparing ourself to be able to grow and progress to the level we want. Growth for some is not just a physical thing. Growth as a person is just as important as physical growth. We teach you to stretch, properly. so that you don't have to go to the hospital to retract you foot from behind you head.

To develop technique, confidence and self esteem. You want to be comfortable with what your learning and doing.

We don't believe in belts or sashes, If you want, we can sell you a "black belt" or give you a piece of paper that looks like a diploma and says you can beat up the world. But it's not practical and it's not us !

Our goal is to help you become the person you are, and be where you want to be. Mentally and physically. The road sometimes is coarse and twisted and we want you to be able to feel confident in yourself and your ability. 

Take that journey, come with us and learn to become who you are !

Yu Jau Dai Yune Do  

"The Way Of The Hand"